5 Ways Branded Stickers Can Help Your Business Grow

01 Sep 2018

branded stickers

Businesses have been using branded stickers as part of their marketing initiatives for years because of their longevity and cost. We rounded up some ideas for using stickers to grow your business and attract new customers:

  1. New Product Launches

Thinking up ways to market and effectively market your new product or service can be tough. Why not consider printing it on a custom sticker? Not only will it get people talking but raise awareness too! If your insurance company is launching a new service offering, print your campaign slogan onto a sticker to build up hype and generate excitement. By the time your official launch rolls around, you’ll already have a pool of interested people ready to sign up. If you have created a website or landing page for your new product or service, it’s worth including that link on the sticker to direct some traffic to your page and improve your SEO.

  1. Street Promotions

Street promotions are a great way to get people who are not familiar with your brand more aware of who you are and what you do. From a lead generation perspective, handing out branded stickers at intersections and robots is a solid way to grow your brand and expand your audience. What should you put on these? Your logo, a competition, a fun quote or image…anything that is memorable and would add value to your intended audience in a way that is still on-brand.

  1. Social Media

It can be hard to target the right audience, at the right time on social media…not to mention hellishly expensive! It’s worthwhile printing your social media handles onto stickers that can either be given away with purchase or handed out for free in your store or office to help you get noticed. These customers are already engaged with your brand which ensures you’re advertising to the right audience which will save you money down the line.

  1. Bumper Stickers

This one is particularly useful for fun, quirky brands. Work with your marketing team to find a suitable memorable phrase or slogan that can be printed on a sticker with your logo. With the majority of people keeping cars for anywhere from 3 to 5+ years, bumper stickers often stay on a car for this full time period, scoring your business a huge amount of impressions and increased visibility.

  1. Sticky Business Cards

Give your business card a facelift by making it sticky! A sticker-style business card allows new leads to pop your sticker on their laptops, fridges or desks therefore keeping you top of mind. Most traditional business cards end up forgotten in a handbag, pocket or in a sea of paper on desks but having something unique could up your chances for converting that lead into a new customer.


There really are so many ways stickers can be used to help you gain visibility, grow your audience and win over leads. If you’re stuck and don’t know which option to choose, get in touch with our team! Remember you can buy stickers of any quantity, size or shape from us and all of this can be done online (yay!).

Need a quote? You can use our quick and simple online quote form to get an instant price for your job – it will also show the unit price. Our online sticker quote generator is situated on our home page. Simply put in the width and height for your particular sticker and then insert the quantity. You will almost see the price instantly. We offer generous volume discounts, so feel free to play around with the quantity to get a total/unit price that suits your requirements and budget.

10 Of The Most Iconic Logos To Inspire You

26 Aug 2018


Before you can print your stickers, labels or decals, you’ll need to get a killer logo designed. But with all the choices out there where do you even begin? These 10 iconic brands got it spot on when they created their branding. You’ll notice each of these most famous brands use simple designs that speak to their core values and offerings. Read on to get inspired!

  1. Apple

While the Apple logo has always been prominent, the brainchild of Steve Jobs has grown in popularity in recent years with the explosion of technology and Apple’s ever-increasing range. Love or hate Apple, you can’t deny you’d recognise that logo anywhere!

  1. Michelin

If you own a car, you’ve likely come across the Michelin man. Sometimes you can see him blowing in the breeze on Old Main Rd in Pinetown. Or maybe you’ve seen his mummy-like figure on your TV screens. Sometimes giving an ordinary thing like tyres a personality through your branding is all you need to become recognisable!

  1. Microsoft

When you see 4 colourful squares, if Microsoft doesn’t immediately come to mind it’s time to climb out from under that rock you’ve been living under since the 90s!

  1. McDonalds

It’s simple, it’s international and it’s making us hungry already. The golden arches that make up the global McDonalds logo were derived from the brands early store design, so that they would stand out and be seen by passers-by from a distance.

  1. KFC

Everytime we see smiley Colonel Sanders in his apron we know our grumbling tums are in for a treat! The world’s favourite fried chicken certainly has one of the most iconic logos of all time. Now excuse us while we go inspect the logo more closely on our zinger wings packaging…

  1. Nike

The Nike swoosh was created by a graphic design student back in 1971 who was paid a grand total of $35 for her design. It’s simple, elegant yet so clearly embodies the core values of the brand – just do it!

  1. Starbucks

The well-known and much-loved siren in the centre of the Starbucks logo has been used since 1971. The coffee powerhouse has since dropped using its name on their logo – because, well, they’re just that popular there’s no need. Coffee anyone?

  1. Chanel

If you were asked to name any designer fashion brand, how many of you would say Chanel? The iconic French brands logo was made up of founder Coco Chanel’s initials, perfectly symbolising her minimalist designs and monochrome colour palette.

  1. Mercedes

When you think of luxury vehicles, its likely Mercedes comes to mind. The triangle star exemplifies the brand’s “dominance over land, air and sea” with their wide product offering.

  1. Mickey Mouse

The snazziest and cutest mouse around, it’s no doubt Mickey is the mascot of Disney! The simple mouse silhouette has to be one of the most well-known logos by a mile!


8 Ways Psychology Impacts Branding Decisions

17 Jul 2018


When branding your products or business, it is important to consider human psychology in your designs. There are always a number of psychological factors at play that determine how well branding is received.

  1. Humans are impulsive by nature

Like it or not, humans are programmed to make decisions quickly which sometimes means being impulsive. This can be used to a marketer’s advantage as impulsive purchase decisions can lead to your product or service being bought. Calls to action like “subscribe now,” “try now,” or “buy now,” work exceptionally well as they play on the customer’s innate weakness.  

  1. People Process Images Faster Than Text

This is an important psychological factor to consider when designing stickers, labels and decals as sometimes the visuals you use are the only opportunity you’ll get to woo the customer. People do think in pictures after all so your visuals could make or break customer buy-in. 

  1. The Colour Blue is Linked To Trust

There is a significant psychological link between the colour blue and feelings of trust. Adding blue to your branding is a good idea if you would like to invoke feelings of trust from customers.

  1. Good Copy Goes A Long Way

When developing branding, it is worth your while to hire a professional copywriter to get the wordy bits right! Use of the right words goes a long way in building trust – authentic, certified, loyal and official are just some examples of suitable words to use.

  1. Repeat Business

Also known as the “foot in the door” technique, marketers can rest assured that when a customer says yes to subscribing to an email sign-up or free trial are highly likely to repeat this positive behaviour again in future.

  1. Price Matters

How you value and price your product or service can have a psychological impact on customers down the line. For example, if someone is shopping for a couch and decides their budget is R2000, your couch going for R3999 will be way over budget. However if that customer saw a ‘marked down’ price of R2500, even though it is over budget they would likely still purchase it.

  1. All Decisions Are Based Off Emotion

Every single decision humans make is based off of and informed by emotions. Marketers should not attempt to elicit an emotional response but rather align campaigns and products/services themselves with the emotion customers may be most inclined towards.

  1. People Behave How They’re Labelled

It is something of a self-fulfilling prophecy – we see ourselves through others perceptions, so what others tell us we are is generally how we will behave. Therefore, it is ok for you to tell your customers who they are, what they believe and how they should act through your messaging. This will determine whether or not they will buy your product or service.

Order custom Stickers, Labels and Decals online!

Need stickers, labels or custom decals printed? StickerAndLabelSA at your service! Upload your designs on our user-friendly website, pay for your order and relax – your order will be delivered to your door in 1-2 working days. Not only do you not even need to leave the office to order branded stickers, labels and decals but we print any quantity, size and shape!

7 Font Trends To Follow in 2018

28 Jun 2018


The power of typography is no secret – it either catches the eye of the consumer or is dull enough to be ignored. If you’re building a brand or designing stickers and labels, fonts are a vital component. Here are 7 trends to try this year to stay ahead of the pack.

  1. Serif Fonts For The Win

This year has seen a rise in the use of serif fonts in branding. Not sure what the heck that means? A serif can be described as, “a small line attached to the end of a stroke in a letter or symbol.” It was considered outdated at one stage, but the old classics have come back in style – think Times New Roman and Typewriter style fonts.

  1. Back In Time

There has been an upswing in the use of 70s and 80s style fonts that give off very retro vibes. These types of fonts suit a trendier, edgier brand such as bars and restaurants. They would clash with the branding of an upmarket store or hotel for example.

  1. Size Matters

2018 is all about being big and bold – including fonts! Large, bold fonts are eye-catching and help a brand stand out. In fact, bold fonts demand consumer attention!

  1. Cut-outs and Overlays

Imagine multiple image overlays to create an interesting canvas for your text to appear on. This includes letter cut-outs with the background peeping out to add interest to designs.

  1. Highlights and Underlining

Highlighting and underlining words is not only reserved for SKY News and magazines. This year has seen a major increase in this attention-grabbing technique, giving designs a modern editorial feel. This is also a simple way to draw attention to specific words or phrases.

  1. Brush Scripts

If you haven’t seen handwritten style fonts splashed across your favourite blogs, social feeds or magazines then you’ve been hiding under a rock! Brush scripts are MASSIVE, especially when it comes to logo design. If it fits your brands, this soft and beautiful font style should be strongly considered.

  1. Transparency

Picture colourful backgrounds with clear fonts superimposed onto them. This has given designs a clean, contemporary feel and once again, suit a more relaxed and trendy brand.

Sho, that probably felt like a lot of new information! But don’t stress, we’re here to help! We make printing your branded stickers, labels and decals easy as pie by allowing you to upload your completed designs on our website and that’s it – order placed! Your order then gets delivered to your door faster than you can say ‘What the font!’

Order your Stickers, Labels or Decals Now!




5 Steps to Branding a Start-Up

06 Jun 2018

branding startups

Building a clear brand identity is key in differentiating yourself from your competition. It’s also a major reason why some start-ups succeed and why others fail. Beyond coming up with a winning business idea, your start-up needs branding. This is how you will connect with your customers, build trust and get them to buy in to your yet-to-be-tested offering.

Here are 5 ways start-ups can use branding to show the world they mean business!

  1. Get To Grips With The Target Market

You should have already completed this step when you came up with your entire business concept. However, it’s important to understand who you want to reach from a branding perspective too. Who do you want to engage with?

Everything you do in terms of branding needs to link back to that answer. Your ideal customer needs to become a part of your start-ups brand identity. They are the cornerstone to you succeeding. Failing to connect with them by building a brand that doesn’t resonate with them, will set the business up for failure.

A great way to make sure branding is on the right track, is to regularly conduct an audit. Surveying customers to find out how they perceive your brand is a good way to gauge sentiment.

  1. Sell Through Storytelling

We’re sure you’ve heard the buzzword – brand storytelling. Without a brand story, you’re just a faceless organisation trying to push their products and services down the throats of consumers. A story at the centre of brand development, however, will not only help keep the focus on moulding the culture and identity of the business, but will help customers identify with your business on a personal level.

The key takeaway is to shift focus to selling an experience, not a product or service. Any business can do that. Your story is what sets you apart. The core story needs to be woven into the make-up of the brand – the colours, the fonts, the voice and the key messages it puts out.

  1. Create A Strong Voice

A brand is much like a person…it needs to reflect a personality. This will have been formed through the brand story and it needs to now be translated across all mediums. Working to refine a brands voice and tone is an essential step in keeping customers connected to the brand. Keep it concise, clear and consistent to stay credible.

  1. Give Them Something To Remember

Create a brand experience that is hard for customers to forget – don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd! Perhaps you’d like to veer in the direction of being a cause-driven business? Or maybe you’d like to become known for tongue-in-cheek, somewhat risky ad campaigns ala Nandos? Weave that brand personality into all aspects of the start-up and you’ve got a winning formula.

  1. Be Seen

No fledgling business can survive by focusing on one marketing channel alone. Leverage multiple mediums for maximum reach and impact. Make sure your marketing activities happen when and where your target market will be, or you’re wasting your time.

Integrate the digital channels with the product and/or service by having social links or campaign messaging on product labels or business cards. This way you’ll be leading your market to the brand’s social pages where they can follow you, stay connected and build a strategic relationship with the brand.

The Takeaway

If you carefully link your target market, brand story, brand identity and campaign messaging, creating marketing material such as labels, stickers, decals, flyers and banners will be that much easier!

StickerAndLabelSA offers:

  • Full colour printing of labels, stickers and custom decals
  • Any size, shape and quantity welcome
  • Conveniently upload artwork on our website
  • Safe and secure online payment
  • Delivery to your door




The Benefits of Custom Decals

24 May 2018

custom decals

As a business owner, the number one question on your mind is likely, How do I differentiate myself from my competitors? With saturated markets and rife competition, establishing a sense of exclusivity and customisation is essential to keeping your business top of mind within your target market. The starting point for this is with your branding and marketing strategy – by continually coming up with fresh, innovative ways to draw your customers in. What better way to achieve this than through custom decals?

Custom decals are simple to apply to the interior or exterior of your business and can be printed out in any shape or size, depending on your requirements. Whether you’re looking for plain vinyl letters, informative signage or your logo, StickersAndLabelSA can print them all!

  1. Custom Decals Support Digital Strategies

It is recommended that businesses combine modern marketing techniques such as web-based advertising, social media marketing and email marketing with the use of more traditional approaches like custom decals. This ensures that as a business you are covering all your bases in order to maximise reach and awareness. Promotional custom decals can even be used to complement social strategies by leading customers to your businesses social media accounts and encouraging interaction.

  1. Minimal Investment

Create a fun bumper sticker or license disc sticker to hand out to your customers. This way, your business will be top of mind every time they get behind the wheel! And if they pop the sticker on their bumpers, that’s a whole lot of free advertising for a minimal investment.

  1. Quick and Easy

Custom decals are a quick and simple way to draw attention to your current campaigns or promotions. StickersAndLabelSA offer quick turnaround times, to allow your business to be agile in its promotional efforts. A custom decal for your store or office window can be designed and printed in just a few days, allowing you to draw customers in as quickly as possible.

Custom  decals are a budget-friendly and effective marketing tool, giving your business a feel of exclusivity to help you stand out amongst the noise. Visit our website to place your order, it’s fast and easy! Don’t forget we can print your stickers, labels & decals no matter what SIZE or SHAPE or QUANTITY.

How To Choose Effective Colours For Stickers & Labels

08 May 2018

stickers and labels logo colours

The colour of product packaging and branding has a major impact on consumer purchasing behaviour. This is why it’s important to understand your customer, and the psychological impact colour could have on them, before creating your new stickers and labels with us.

Go Bold with Red

By far the boldest choice, red can certainly help your product stand out from the crowd. It’s been shown to encourage impulse buying and customers associate it with feelings of excitement. This works well for food and alcohol stickers and labels.

Clean and Green

Calming and soothing shades of green are strongly associated with eco-friendly and environmentally-focused products. Green is also linked to feelings of tranquility and luck, so can also be suitable for those in the health and well-being industries.

Shades of Blue

People tend to associate feelings of security, trust and reliability with the colour blue. It’s also been found that men resonate better with brands that use this more masculine colour, hence if your target market is male, blue is a solid choice.

Bright and Vibrant Orange

Orange is known to conjure feelings of warmth, vitality and adventure making it suitable for a wide spectrum of brands. Orange is an energetic colour that generally seems to invoke positive emotions making it a great choice for most brands.

(Not So) Mellow Yellow

Yellow is ranked as the most attention-grabbing colour because it always pops against the rest of the design. Despite it being a warm and cheerful colour, it needs to be used sparingly in design as it can cause eye fatigue – especially when it’s very bright.

Simply White

White is extremely popular in label and sticker design due to its simplicity and timeless appeal. It’s associated with serenity, purity and calmness making it a great choice for beauty products, supplements and spas.

Once you’ve picked the perfect colour(s) for your stickers and labels, the final consideration is your font. Ensure it is legible and big enough so that people do not have to strain to read it. Remember if they can’t see it, they probably won’t buy it.

Ready to design and print your awesome new stickers and labels? Great, we’ve made it super easy and convenient for you! At StickerandLabelSA, it’s as easy as ordering online and getting them delivered to your door! And if you get stuck, pop us a mail at office@stickerandlabelsa.co.za – we’re always ready to help.